Thursday, October 17, 2013

Main Point of Essay

The main thing I wanted my readers to understand about my educational experience was how effective it was at changing my writing. The insults I suffered and the paranoia I adopted essentially, and please excuse the pun, rewrote who I was as a writer. I was never the same after the event. I didn't write the same kinds of stories, didn't use the same kind of words. Not only did my writing style itself change, but my very attitude towards writing and criticism changed. Everything I write today, is in some ways, a product of that experience. Even the fact that I can post what I write on a blog full of people I've actually met is because I became a stronger, more confident author after making it out of my difficult experience . Before, I would have been too nervous and embarrassed that people I actually knew would dislike or ridicule my writing. Now I can post with ease, aware that whether people like or dislike what I write, it doesn't change anything about my writing or my skill. I am what I am, and I'm confident in that existence.

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