Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How Do the Essays Differ?

Malcom X's "How I Learned to Read" and Rose's "I Just Wanna be Average" are different from the other essays in that they focus on the story and the narrative aspects of that story while the others are more concerned with the process and contain less narrative features. "How I Learned to Love Traveling Solo," seemed to me to be the most different of all the essays. I was more of a categorical listing of advice, with little enough of an actual narrative. While the author did mention some experiences she had, they were connected only to the category they were told in and didn't seem to me to be very relevant to the actual process in which the author actually learned to love traveling solo. "How I Learned to Live Google-Free" and "How I Learned to Program Computers," are similar to eachother but diffrent from the others. They are very chronological, with obviously divided sections, but they are more informational then "How I Learned to Read" or "I Just Wanna Be Average."

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