Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Favorite Change

My favorite proposed change was definitely the character building proposed by Large. He discussed the inability of today’s students to fail and improve because of their fear of failing and that really connected with me. I feel like I see examples of what he was discussing often in my experiences in school.  Students today are bored all the time and apathetic towards their schooling, but at the same time they all deal with enormous amounts of pressure and  don’t handle it well when they fail. I’ve seen many students who give up completely when faced with just a little taste of failure. if they don't do well the first few times, quitting Obviously this kind of attitude will not carry anyone far in life. Just imagining how different the average American would be if they were taught that failure is okay is inspiring. If we were no longer so afraid of being ridiculed, laughed out or disappointing, maybe we would take the next leap, the next step and do great things once more. Maybe we would once again be able to sit at the top of the board when contending with the world.At the very least, we would certainly be creating healthier, happier, more adjusted individuals.

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