Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Argument Workshop: Essay

What: I believe that the main change needed in the school system is curriculum that demands and teaches critical and analytical thought.
Who: My audience would be anybody involved in education--the people affected by it and those with the powers to change the system
What: These individuals should be interested in it because for educators, it involves what they will be teaching and what their students will be taught, for parents because it involves their children and for administrators because it affects future generations and current processes.

  • More world ready children with complex thinking abilities
  • Employees who can think on their own and function independently
  • Indviduals more ready for creative exploits
  •  Students with  power and confidence in their own mind and thoughts
  • Students who are not pliable and susceptible to foreign influence
  • Implementing new curriclim will be expensive and diffucult
  • Teachers will need to adjust to a new mode of teaching
  • Expense and difficulty will be paid off when a more successful future generation will be created. In the end, we are currently spending large amounts of money on a system that is obviously not working, so simply redirecting the money towards
  • Many of the complaints about the school system come from current or retired teachers themselves. If the change works, teachers will likely have no qualms about the shift

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