Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Citation and Qutoation Practice

  • In the essay "Against School," John Gatto, a former teacher, discusses the flaws and conditions of school, saying "I had more than enough reason to think of our schools...as virtual factories of childishness."
  • Satirically highlighting flaws in the school system on comedy central, Black opens with "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that our schools are broken--which is good, because none of us are!"   
Work Cited
  • Gatto, John. "Against School." Harper's Magazine Sept. 2003: Web. <http://www.wesjones.com/gatto1.htm#source>.
  • Black, Lewis "Back in Black." John Stuart Daily Show. Comedy Central. Television. Web. <http://politicsisstupid.com/>
  • bell, hooks "
  • Freire, Paulo, "The Banking Concept of Education," Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 1968: Print. Excerpt.
  • John Gatto was an American school teacher with nearly thirty years of experience in the classroom and the author of multiple essays concerning the conditions of our schools, including "Against School" and a number of books, including "Dumbing us Down", published in 1991 and the more recent "Underground History of American Education," published in 2003. He discusses the school environment saying "I taught for thirty years in some of the worst schools in Manhattan, and in some of the best, and during that time I became an expert in boredom." Further discussing the school environment, bell hooks, best known as a feminist author comments that, "Most children are taught early on that thinking is dangerous."
  •  Paulo  Freire, Ph.D was a Brazilian educator and philosopher and an advocate of critical pedagogy. He is also the author of "Education for Critical Consciousness," "Pedology of Freedom," and a number of other education-centric books. In his book "Pedology of the Oppressed," published in 1968, Feire discusses the banking method saying "Worse yet, it turns them [students] in "containers," into "receptacles" to be "filled" by the teacher." John Gatto discusses a similar condition in his observation of the school system in "Against School," Saying  "our schools...are laboratories of experimentation on young minds, drill centers for the habits and attitudes that corporate society demands."
Work Cited
  • Gatto, John. "Against School." Harper's Magazine Sept. 2003: Web. <http://www.wesjones.com/gatto1.htm#source>.
  • Black, Lewis "Back in Black." John Stuart Daily Show. Comedy Central. Television. Web. <http://politicsisstupid.com/>
  • bell, hooks "
  • Freire, Paulo, "The Banking Concept of Education," Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 1968: Print. Excerpt.

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