Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Drafting Countinued

Many of the authors we read about discussed the need for critical pedology. Freire, for example asserts that to escape the banking method we must become “Consciousness as con-sciousness” or, to paraphrase, the ability to question perceived knowledge and critique what we are taught. As he says, education “consists in acts of cognition, not transferal of information.”
bell hooks also discusses the importance of teaching students to think critically, saying "Children are organically predisposed to be critical thinkers," and discussing what the school systems do a bout this predisposition, saying “Children's passion for thinking often ends when they encounter a world that seeks to educate them for conformity and obedience only. Most children are taught early on that thinking is dangerous.”
John Gatto also talks of the importance of critical thinking when outlining how to dodge the traps of the public school system in his essay “Against School,” saying “School trains children to obey reflexively; teach your own to think critically and independently,”
It seems to me that all across the board the authors we’ve read are saying the same thing; schools teach conformity, information absorption and obedience. We need critical thinkers!

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