Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Argument Workshop

Topic: Chickens  Audience: Coyotes

What: Increase appriciation for chickens as a diatery staple.
Who:  Coyotes
Why: Chickens are an unappreciated asset to the everyday coyote's diet and should be more actively eaten

Reasons to agree:
  • Chickens are high in protein 
  • Chickens are bad at running away
  • Chickens provide Coyotes with the ability to fly for short distances
Reasons to disagree:
  • Chickens are usually protected by farmers
  • Chickens are rude and generally hurt feelings while being eaten
  • Flying abilities gained by eating chickens are not always controlable
Answers to objections:
  • Farmers have to sleep and they can always buy new chickens
  • Eat the head first, and chickens will no longer be rude
  • Control is minute. Chickens make you fly
  • Among seven other common local birds, chickens by far provide the most protein. In fact, 70% of all chickens are nothing but pure, unadulterated protein. The rest are slightly adulterated protein, but protein nonetheless.
  • Chickens have very small legs, and due to extensive genetic alterations, are generally severely overweight. Thus, they are an easy catch!
  • The ability to fly comes in handy at almost any time. Many chicken eating coyotes avoid farmers altogether simply by flying away. And a good 90% of all sentient matter asserts that flying is awesome.

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